105 titles in AGID Canada Catalogue 2001/1

0580 AMSTUTZ,GC (editor) (1964) Sedimentology and Ore Genesis. Elsevier, 184pp.

0581 ANON (1951) Turbidity Currents and The Transportation of Coarse Sediments to Deep Water. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Spec.Publ. 2, 107pp.

0582 BAER,AJ (editor) (1970) Symposium on Basins and Geosynclines of the Canadian Shield. GSC Pap. 70-40, 265pp.

0583 BAGNOLD,RA (1971) The Physics of Blown Sand and Desert Dunes. Chapman and Hall, 265pp.

0584 BERNARD,HA, MAJOR,CF, PARROTT,BS, LEBLANC,RJ (1970) Recent Sediments of Southeast Texas: A Field Guide to the Brazos Alluvial and Deltaic Plains and the Galveston Barrier Island Complex. Shell Development Company, Guidebook 11.

0585 BERNER,RA (1971) Principles of Chemical Sedimentology. McGraw-Hill, 240pp.

0586 BERNER,RA (1980) Early Diagenesis: a Theoretical Approach. Princeton University Press, 240pp.

0587 BERRY,WBN and BOUCOT,AJ (editors) (1972) Correlation of the South American Silurian Rocks. GSA Spec.Pap. 133, 59pp. plus 2 maps.

0588 BLATT,H, MIDDLETON,G and MURRAY,R (1972) Origin of Sedimentary Rocks. Prentice-Hall, 634pp.

0589 BRAUNSTEIN,J and O'BRIEN,GD (editors) (1968) Diapirism and Diapirs. AAPG, Tulsa, OK, 444pp.

0590 CALDWELL,WGE (editor) (1975) The Cretaceous System in the Western Interior of North America. GAC Spec.Pap. 13, 666pp. Sedimentology, microfossils, foraminifera, etc. Several copies.

0591 CAROZZI,AV (1960) Microscopic Sedimentary Petrography. John Wiley & Sons, 485pp.

0592 CAROZZI,AV (1983) Modelos Deposicionales Carbonaticos. Asociacion Geologica Argentina, Serie B. Didactica y Complementaria No.11. Buenos Aires, 2 volumes, 106+197pp. (in Sp.).

0593 CHILINGAR,GV, BISSELL,HJ and FAIRBRIDGE,RW (editors) (1967) Carbonate Rocks: Physical and Chemical Aspects. Elsevier, Developments in Sedimentology 9B, 413pp.

0594 COLLINSON,JD and THOMPSON,DB (1982) Sedimentary Structures. George Allen and Unwin, London, 194pp.

0595 CONYBEARE,CEB (1979) Lithostratigraphic Analysis of Sedimentary Basins. Academic Press, 555pp.

0596 COOK,HE and ENOS,P (editors) (1977) Deep-Water Carbonate Environments. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Spec.Publ. 25, 336pp.

0597 DAPPLES,EC and HOPKINS,ME (editors) (1969) Environments of Coal Deposition. GSA Spec.Pap. 114, 204pp. Coal geology of parts of USA and Canada.

0598 DAVIES,GR (editor) (1975) Devonian Reef Complexes of Canada. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Calgary, 2 volumes, 229+246pp.

0599 DAVIS,RA and ETHINGTON,RL (editors) (1976) Beach and Nearshore Sedimentation. SEPM Spec.Publ. 24, 187pp.

0600 DEAN,WE and SCHREIBER,BC (1978) Marine Evaporites. SEPM Short Course No.4, Oklahoma City, 188pp.

0601 DEGENS,ET (1965) Geochemistry of Sediments: a Brief Survey. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 342pp.

0602 DICKINSON,WR (editor) (1974) Tectonics and Sedimentation. SEPM Spec.Publ. 22, 204pp.

0603 DOTT,RH and SHARVER,RH (editors) (1973) Modern and Ancient Geosynclinal Sedimentation. SEPM Spec.Publ. 19, 380pp.

0604 ELLIOTT,T (editor) (1981) Field Guides to Modern and Ancient Fluvial Systems in Britain and Spain. International Fluvial Conference, Department of Geology, University of Keele, U.K.

0605 ETHBRIDGE,FG and FLORES,RM (editors) (1981) Recent and Ancient Nonmarine Depositional Environments: Models for Exploration. SEPM Spec.Publ. 31, 349pp.

0606 FRASER,GS (1980) Sediments of the Modern Meander Belt of the Vermilion River near Eugene, Indiana and Sedimentology of the Late Wisconsinan Terrace Deposits Along the Bend Area of the Wabash River. SEPM Tenth Annual Meeting, 78pp.

0607 FRIEDMAN,GM (editor) (1969) Depositional Environments in Carbonate Rocks. SEPM Spec.Publ. 14, 209pp.

0608 FRIEDMAN,GM and SANDERS,JE (1978) Principles of Sedimentology. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 792pp.

0609 FROSTICK,LE, RENAUT,RW, REID,I and TIERCELIN,JJ (editors) (1986) Sedimentation in the African Rifts. Blackwell Scientific Publications, 382pp.

0610 FUCHTBAUER,H (1974) Sedimentary Petrology Part II. Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks 1. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart / Halsted Press, 464pp.

0611 GALL,J-C (1983) Ancient Sedimentary Environments and the Habitats of Living Organisms. Springer-Verlag, 219pp.

0612 GARRELS,RM and MACKENZIE,FT (1971) Evolution of Sedimentary Rocks. W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., New York, 397pp.

0613 GINSBURG,RN (1973) Evolving Concepts in Sedimentology. Johns Hopkins University Press, 191pp.

0614 GOFF,JC and WILLIAMS,BPJ (editors) (1987) Fluid Flow in Sedmentary Basins and Aquifers. Blackwell Scientific Publications, 230pp.

0615 GRADSTEIN,FM, AGTERBERG,FP, BROWER,JC and SCHWARZACHER,WS (1985) Quantitative Stratigraphy. D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, Holland, 598pp.

0616 GREENSMITH,JT, HATCH,FH and RASTALL,RH (1971) Petrology of the Sedimentary Rocks. Thomas Murby Company, London, 5th edition, 502pp.

0617 GRIM,RE and GUVEN,N (1978) Bentonites: Geology, Mineralogy, Properties and Uses. Elsevier, 256pp.

0618 HARMS,JC, SOUTHARD,JB and WALKER,RG (1982) Structures and Sequences in Clastic Rocks. SEPM Short Course 9, Calgary, in 8 chapters.

0619 HARMS,JC, SOUTHARD,JB, SPEARING,DR and WALKER,RG (1975) Depositional Environments as Interpreted from Primary Sedimentary Structures and Stratification Sequences. SEPM Short Course 2, Dallas, 161pp.

0620 HARWOOD,GM and SMITH,DB (editors) (1986) The English Zechstein and Related Topics. Blackwell Scientific Publications, 244pp.

0621 HATCH,FH, RASTALL,RH and BLACK,M (1938) The Petrology of the Sedimentary Rocks. Thomas Murby, London, revised 3rd edition, reprinted 1952, 383pp.

0622 HSU,KJ and JENKYNS,HC (editors) (1974) Pelagic Sediments: on Land and under the Sea. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 447pp.

0623 HUTCHEON,IE (editor) (1989) Burial Diagenesis. MAC Short Course 15, 409pp.

0624 JOPLING,AV and McDONALD,BC (editors) (1975) Glaciofluvial and Glaciolacustrine Sedimentation. SEPM Spec.Publ. 23, 320pp.

0625 KAY,M (1951) North American Geosynclines. GSA Memoir 48, 143pp.

0626 KRUMBEIN,WC and SLOSS,LL (1953) Stratigraphy and Sedimentation. W.H.Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 497pp.

0627 KULM,LD, DYMOND,J, DASCH,EJ, HUSSONG,DM and RODERICK,R (editors) (1981) Nazca Plate: Crustal Formation and Andean Convergence. GSA Memoir 154, 824pp. plus 3 microfiche sheets. Pacific margin of Peru and Chile, S.America.

0628 LAJOIE,J (editor) (1970) Flysch Sedimentology in North America. GAC Spec.Pap. 7, 272pp.

0629 LAPORTE,LF (editor) (1974) Reefs in Time and Space - Selected Examples from the Recent and Ancient. SEPM Spec.Publ. 18, 256pp.

0630 LARSEN,G and CHILINGAR,GV (editors) (1983) Diagenesis in Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks, 2. Elsevier, 572pp.

0631 LEBLANC,RJ and BREEDING,JG (editors) (1957) Regional Aspects of Carbonate Deposition. SEPM Spec.Publ. 5, 107pp.

0632 LEGGET,RF (editor) (1961) Soils in Canada: Geological, Pedological and Engineering Studies. University of Toronto Press, RSC Spec.Publ. 3, 229pp.

0633 LEGGET,RF (editor) (1976) Glacial Till, An Inter-Disciplinary Study. RSC Spec.Publ. 12, 412pp.

0634 LESPERANCE,PJ and GREINER,HR (1969) Squatec-Cabano area, Rimouski, RiviŠre-du-Loup and T‚miscouata Counties. Quebec DNR Geol.Rep. 128, 111pp. plus 2 maps.

0635 LOGAN,A and HILLS,LV (editors) (1973) The Permian and Triassic Systems and Their Mutual Boundary. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Calgary, 766pp.

0636 LONGWELL,CR (CHAIRMAN) (1949) Sedimentary Facies in Geologic History. GSA Memoir 39, 171pp.

0637 MARSHALL,JD (editor) (1987) Diagenesis of Sedimentary Sequences. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, Geological Society Spec.Publ. 36, 360pp.

0638 MATHEWS,EB and GRASTY,JS (1910) The Limestones of Maryland. Maryland Geol.Surv. Spec.Publ. 8 part 3, John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, pp.227-484, plus map.

0639 MATTER,A and TUCKER,ME (editors) (1978) Ancient and Modern Lake Sediments. Blackwell, IAS Spec.Publ. 2, 290pp.

0640 MATTOX,SB (editor) (1968) Saline Deposits. GSA Spec.Pap. 88, 701pp. Saline basins, salt domes. Canada, Iraq, USA..

0641 McGERRIGLE,HW (1950) La Géologie de L'Est de Gaspé. Quebec DNR Geol.Rep. 35, 174pp. plus map folder (in Fr.).

0642 McKEE,ED (1954) Stratigraphy and History of the Moenkopi Formation of Triassic Age. GSA Memoir 61, 133pp.

0643 McNEIL,DH and CALDWELL,WGE (1981) Cretaceous Rocks and Their Foraminifera in the Manitoba Escarpment. GAC Spec.Pap. 21, 439pp. Several copies.

0644 MIALL,AD (1984) Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis. Springer-Verlag, 490pp.

0645 MIALL,AD (editor) (1981) Sedimentation and Tectonics in Alluvial Basins. GAC Spec.Pap. 23, 272pp. Several copies.

0646 MIDDLETON,GV (editor) (1965) Primary Sedimentary Structures and Their Hydrodynamic Interpretation. SEPM Spec.Publ. 12, 265pp.

0647 MILLER,BL (1934) Limestones of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Geol.Surv. Bull. M20, 4th series, 729pp.

0648 MILLIMAN,JD (1974) Marine Carbonates. Springer-Verlag, 375pp.

0649 MOORE,CH (1989) Carbonate Digenesis and Porosity. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Developments in Sedimentology 46, 338pp.

0650 MUELLER,G (1967) Methods in Sedimentary Petrology, Part I. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany, 283pp.

0651 OPEN UNIVERSITY COURSE TEAM (1978) Oceanography: Sediments - Unit 11 and Unit 12. Open University Press, Buckinghamshire, UK.

0652 PETTIJOHN,FJ (1957) Sedimentary Rocks. Harper and Row, 2nd edition, 718pp.

0653 PETTIJOHN,FJ (1975) Sedimentary Rocks. Harper and Row, 3rd edition, 628pp.

0654 PETTIJOHN,FJ and POTTER,PE (1964) Atlas and Glossary of Primary Sedimentary Structures. Springer-Verlag, 370pp.

0655 POTTER,PE and PETTIJOHN,FJ (1963) Paleocurrents and Basin Analysis. Springer-Verlag, 296pp.+ plates.

0656 PRAY,LC and MURRAY,RC (editors) (1965) Dolomitization and Limestone Diagenesis: a Symposium. SEPM Spec.Publ. 13, 180pp.

0657 PRICE,RA (editor) (1989) Origin and Evolution of Sedimentary Basins and Their Energy and Mineral Resources. AGU, Geophys. Monograph 48/IUGG Vol.3, 202pp.

0658 PURSER,BH (editor) (1973) The Persian Gulf: Holocene Carbonate Sedimentation and Diagenesis in a Shallow Epicontinental Sea. Springer-Verlag, 471pp. plus 3 maps.

0659 ROSS,CA (editor) (1974) Paleogeographic Provinces and Provinciality. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Spec.Publ. 21. 23pp.

0660 SANDER,B (1951) Contributions to the Study of Depositional Fabrics: Rhythmically Deposited Triassic Limestones and Dolomites. AAPG, Engl. translation of the German original published in 1936, 207pp.

0661 SCHOLLE,PA (1979) A Color Illustrated Guide to Constituents, Textures, Cements, and Porosities of Sandstones and Associated Rocks. AAPG, Tulsa, OK, Memoir 28, 201pp.

0662 SCHOLLE,PA and SCHLUGER,PR (editors) (1979) Aspects of Diagenesis. SEPM Spec.Publ. 26, 443pp.

0663 SCHWARZ,H-U (1975) Sedimentary Structures and Facies Analysis of Shallow Marine Carbonates. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 100pp.+ plates.

0664 SHEPARD,FP, MARSHALL,NF, McLOUGHLIN,PA and SULLIVAN,GG (1979) Currents in Submarine Canyons and Other Seavalleys. AAPG Studies in Geology No.8, 173pp.

0665 SHROCK,RR (1948) Sequence in Layered Rocks: A Study of Features and Structures Useful for Determining Top and Bottom or Order of Succession in Bedded and Tabular Rock Bodies. McGraw-Hill, 1st edition, 507pp.

0666 SMITH,DG, REINSON,GE, ZAITLIN,BA and RAHMANI,RA (editors) (1991) Classical Tidal Sedimentology. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Calgary, AB, 387pp.

0667 STANLEY,DJ and MOORE,GT (editors) (1983) The Shelfbreak: Critical Interface on Continental Margins. SEPM Spec.Publ. 33, 467pp.

0668 STOUT,W (1941) Dolomites and Limestones of Western Ohio. Geol.Surv. of Ohio, 4th series, Bull. 42, 468pp.

0669 STRAKHOV,NM (1970) Principles of Lithogenesis. Oliver & Boyd, 3 volumes, 245+609+577pp., translated from Russian, 1st Engl. edition. Major work on sedimentary basins.

0670 TUCKER,ME (1981) Sedimentary Petrology: An Introduction. Blackwell Scientific Publications, 252pp.

0671 TUCKER,ME (1990) Sedimentary Petrology. Blackwell Scientific Publications, 2nd edition, 260pp.

0672 TURNER,P (1980) Continental Red Beds. Elsevier, 562pp.

0673 TWENHOFEL,WH (1932) Treatise on Sedimentation. Dover Publications, New York, 1961 reprint of 2nd edition, 2 volumes, 926pp.

0674 TWENHOFEL,WH (1950) Principles of Sedimentation. McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 673pp.

0675 VAN STRAATEN,LMJU (editor) (1964) Deltaic and Shallow Marine Deposits. Elsevier, 464pp.

0676 VARENTSOV,IM (1964) Sedimentary Manganese Ores. Elsevier, 119pp.

0677 VARIOUS AUTHORS (1986) Sediments Down-Under: 12th International Sedimentological Congress, Canberra, Australia, 24-30 August 1986. Highland Press, Fyshwick, 350pp.+ appendices.

0678 WALKER,RG (editor) (1979) Facies Models. GAC, Geoscience Canada Reprint Series 1, 211pp.

0679 WALKER,RG (editor) (1984) Facies Models. GAC, Geoscience Canada Reprint Series 1, 2nd edition, 317pp.

0680 WEAVER,CE, BECK,KC and POLLARD,CO (1971) Clay Water Diagenesis During Burial: How Mud Becomes Gneiss. GSA Spec.Pap. 134, 96pp.

0681 WELLER,JM (1960) Stratigraphic Principles and Practice. Harper and Brothers, New York, 725pp.

0682 YOUNG,GM (editor) (1973) Huronian Stratigraphy and Sedimentation. GAC Spec.Pap. 12, 271pp. Proterozoic sedimentation, Ontario, Canada. Several copies.

0683 ZENGER,DH, DUNHAM,JB and ETHINGTON,RL (editors) (1980) Concepts and Models of Dolomitization. SEPM Spec.Publ. 28, 320pp.

0684 ZIEGLER,PA (1988) Evolution of the Arctic-North Atlantic and the Western Tethys. AAPG, Tulsa, OK, Memoir 43, 198pp.

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